Category Archives: MOMa's Night Out

Quick Updates and New Moon

WOW!  What a year it has been…. 

First my car blows up, and then my laptop falls and dies.   It may sound strange to most, the love of writing your drama online and sharing it with anyone who pops in, but being able to look at my life from an outside perspective has been the best therapy.  Now that I don’t have it, the trials seem a bit more cloudy.  

But today I have a few minutes to share with you all.  I have to first say: I miss those of you who visit me and comment on a regular basis.  I really miss commenting on all my single mama and Christian friends’ blogs.  I keep up with most of you on my Wii, but it won’t let me leave comments.  

I wish I could head over to everyone’s neck of the blogosphere-woods, but I am soon leaving to LA to join my friends in Twi-stalking.   The New Moon Hollywood premiere is coming up, and as far as I know >>>we are a few days late.  I hope to get more pictures than last year!  Yes that’s right, I’m one of those crazy Twilight fans, who stalk the actors at cool event.  Ha Ha Ha!   I am going to be on a crazy coffee high, so I don’t miss a thing =)    I will for sure get someone to post the pix here, so you all can share in the fun.

And guess what…!!!

We are driving up in MY NEW (to me) Car! Yes, my son’s uncle (on his father’s side) gave me his old car.  It isn’t one I would pick  from the lot,  but now that I have been driving it >> I am luv’N it.  It is automatic (I’m a Stick kind o’ girl), but that baby has power!!!  I have to keep my eye on the speedometer =)

Also, I am no longer a church orphan!!   YAY!   My girl, Hollywood and I have a crush on this beautiful church family a few miles down the freeway.  We have been looking fr so long, it was almost a shock to actually find a church that we both enjoy.  The sanctuary is small, but the church is mega mega… so there is much opportunity to grow and serve.   And the ChERRY ON TOP >> my son loves the children’s ministry!  This is an exciting adventure.  

Speaking of Adventure…..

It is time to leave to LA.  I wish I had more time to send with you all. 


Twi-stalkers here we come!!!!!



Filed under Church Home, MOMa's Night Out

Single MOMa’s Night Out

More like weekend out!  I can’t believe it!  I really can’t believe it!

I had a weekend full of non-mommy fun!

The most amazing part of last weekend was >>>I had sitters!

My friends have plans almost every weekend, but only a few still invite me, just in case.  Usually their efforts are in vain. 

Before I had my son, I was the dancing queen.  I would be out every Thurs-Sat night.  Then Sundays you’d find me at some BBq mingling with friends and family.  I always had plans and was the one to call to find out what was hoppin.

But then my son was conceived, and instead of having a “life” I now had a meaningful one.  Being pregnant was the most wonderful experience.   I loved every minute of it -well maybe not turning 21 during pregnancy.   That was hard to swallow!  But I went into mommy mode the instant I found out I was a To-Be-Mommy and gave up my partying ways.   I don’t regret it for a moment, but in the process I sort of lost myself.  That is why I am taking time-out from love, to meet Me -again.

The first time I went out dancing (or had a moment for myself) was on my 23rd birthday.  I realized that night how important it was for MOMa to have a night out!  It was rejuvenating and freeing to have a moment of Me time.  I came home a bit tired, but ultimately I felt an tiny-bit like myself again.  I have never been one to have a few beers to relax, and at that time the term “reading a good book” was not in my vocabulary.  I have learned that my ammo to keep on movin comes strongly from the base of a beat, the swing of my hips, and the tap of my feet.  To this day, a beat that gets my body movin and groovin, is the only thing that keeps my house clean.

But to have a night out is almost impossible.  It seems like I only get out twice a year -it used to be once a year – since my son turned 7.  Any single mom can tell ya, how difficult it is to find someone to watch your child for a few hours.  For me, it is a bit devastating looking for a sitter.  My family all work in the medical field.  They start work anywhere from 4 to 5am, and don’t get home till after 6pm.  So they are exhausted and don’t get weekends off.

But this week was different!  My mom actually had a few days off, so she wasn’t annoyed that I asked her to watch my son on her day off.  It was such a blessing, because it was my friend’s private bridal party bachelorette party night.  It was so much fun.  We went to dinner downtown, checked out all the people dressed up for Comic Con, and danced our butts off. 

I even almost saw the cast of NEW MOON!  That for me was the high light of the night!!!  I am a Twi-stalker!!!  I am Cullen and Pack obsessed!   No it’s not about Rob, I can’t stand Kristen, and Taylor is tooooo young: It’s about Edward and Jacob!

Ok let me calm down here…lol

It was difficult to be in Bachelorette mode, when I knew the cast was going to walk past me, much closer than they were @ the Twilight premiere in Hollywood.  But I was a good bride’s maid and I walked away, missing them walk into their bus by 5 minutes.  I also skipped the Podcast @ Borders that night. 

I am so proud of myself! I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to contain myself… ha ha

But I did have a blast!  And strangely soon forgot about the cast being in my town -that is until the next day…

On Friday my Twi-stalking friends and I went down to the Hilton to see who we could see.  We consulted all the club bouncers, on which clubs to check out.  We waited patiently for hours as the opportune moment to sneak into the hotel arose.  We saw some famous Chef from the food network, and some VH1 comedian, and possibly Rebecca Romaine…  But no Twilight/New Moon cast =(

But it was fun anyway… and I had a sitter!  Good old Uncle Joe! 

I am so happy finally being open about my SciFi nerdiness, and being able to have little silly adventures.  We had some laughs watching some Comic-nerds scream out trivia to people on the floor below.  And my neighbor possibly got me a poster from the New Moon Comic-Con panel -so his wife says- I hope so.   

And to top it off, my little brother turned 11, and had a nice little pool party. 

It was a wonderful weekend!     [Next year I am getting tickets and taking my son… We both have never been to Comic Con]

Every Mom should have a Mom’s Night Out.  MOMa says, “It’s mandatory!”


ps. I’m still trying to think of a nickname for my son, I was thinking maybe something that has to do with Martial Arts, Anima or Super Heroes, since he loves them as much as I do…. ???



Filed under MOMa's Night Out