Category Archives: Church Home

Quick Updates and New Moon

WOW!  What a year it has been…. 

First my car blows up, and then my laptop falls and dies.   It may sound strange to most, the love of writing your drama online and sharing it with anyone who pops in, but being able to look at my life from an outside perspective has been the best therapy.  Now that I don’t have it, the trials seem a bit more cloudy.  

But today I have a few minutes to share with you all.  I have to first say: I miss those of you who visit me and comment on a regular basis.  I really miss commenting on all my single mama and Christian friends’ blogs.  I keep up with most of you on my Wii, but it won’t let me leave comments.  

I wish I could head over to everyone’s neck of the blogosphere-woods, but I am soon leaving to LA to join my friends in Twi-stalking.   The New Moon Hollywood premiere is coming up, and as far as I know >>>we are a few days late.  I hope to get more pictures than last year!  Yes that’s right, I’m one of those crazy Twilight fans, who stalk the actors at cool event.  Ha Ha Ha!   I am going to be on a crazy coffee high, so I don’t miss a thing =)    I will for sure get someone to post the pix here, so you all can share in the fun.

And guess what…!!!

We are driving up in MY NEW (to me) Car! Yes, my son’s uncle (on his father’s side) gave me his old car.  It isn’t one I would pick  from the lot,  but now that I have been driving it >> I am luv’N it.  It is automatic (I’m a Stick kind o’ girl), but that baby has power!!!  I have to keep my eye on the speedometer =)

Also, I am no longer a church orphan!!   YAY!   My girl, Hollywood and I have a crush on this beautiful church family a few miles down the freeway.  We have been looking fr so long, it was almost a shock to actually find a church that we both enjoy.  The sanctuary is small, but the church is mega mega… so there is much opportunity to grow and serve.   And the ChERRY ON TOP >> my son loves the children’s ministry!  This is an exciting adventure.  

Speaking of Adventure…..

It is time to leave to LA.  I wish I had more time to send with you all. 


Twi-stalkers here we come!!!!!



Filed under Church Home, MOMa's Night Out